Steps to Perfect Eyesight
All exercises are to be done with your head still and moving
your eyeballs only.
All exercises except the last two are to be done 5 times each
as slowly as possible.
Do all exercises in order from number 1 to number 10. Always
do number 9 and 10.
1. Ranging - focus on the tip of your finger on your nose,
move it slowly to arm's
length, then slowly focus at 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000
and 10,000 meters.
2. Slowly look from as low as you can to as high as you can
in front of your body.
3. Slowly look from as far left as you can to as far right
as you can in front.
4. Slowly look from the top left corner of your vision to
the bottom right (diagonal).
5. Slowly look from the bottom left corner of your vision
to the top right (diagonal).
6. Slowly circle your eyesballs clockwise looking around
as widely as possible.
7. Slowly circle your eyesballs anti-clockwise looking around
as widely as possible.
8. Deliberately and gently blur your vision both ways either
side of your focus point.
9. Palming - warmly rub your hands and place them over your
eyes for 20 minutes.
10. Gently relax your vision for 3 minutes without strain/effort
(out of focus is OK).